You Have More Capacity Than You Ever Thought Possible.
As human beings we have so much more capacity than we allow ourselves to think about. More capacity to achieve more, more capacity to believe what’s possible, more capacity to believe we are more than enough to achieve what we want.
And as individuals it’s challenging to see that for ourselves because we are ‘in’ our life story. Have you ever looked at a friend or a colleague and thought ‘If only they changed this or that about themselves, they would fly.’
I Notice Your Potential In Our First Session.
That’s what I see within you. When you first have a session I notice your potential and then I look at what needs to change inside you to reach your potential. Sometimes it’s emotional detox, sometimes it’s mindset work, and sometimes it’s both of those then helping you install new habits, beliefs, and strategies.
Ultimately it’s so much easier to see it in someone else than it is in yourself which is why I’m here for you.
We Work Out Where You Want To Be.
We sit down and identify where you are now then where you want to be. We then work together to facilitate your end goal. I describe it like peeling an onion as we uncover what is no longer useful, whether it’s a belief or identity or a past experience.
We peel it away and deal with the next layer until we are at your core self. The number of sessions depends on what you want to work on and your end goal. I use positive psychology, NLP and Hypnosis which is an amazing mixture of theories, tools and techniques which can be bespoke to what you need
Technology enables me to do a lot of my coaching sessions on Zoom so you don’t have to travel.
I see the amazing resilience, insight, compassion, strong leadership and potential within you.